William Shakespeare 1564-1616
I actually woke up feeling good this morning – in fact, I feel remarkable! I can’t
remember the last time I woke up, went to the bathroom and didn’t crawl back in
bed and sleep for another couple of hours, just to wake up feeling like crap
again! Don’t worry, I might get back to whatever tirade I was working on
yesterday, but that was yesterday, this is today, I feel I N C R E D I B L E and I want to talk about that now!!
have a terrible time sleeping, it is not uncommon for me to stay up to 3:00 or
4:00 watching television until I start falling asleep in the chair – sometimes
that doesn’t happen and I have been known to be falling asleep when the guys
arrive at the construction site next door, which for the record is 7:00 am•
Once I do eventually fall asleep, I wake
up a lot, never get close to eight hours, have a hard time waking up and
usually spend the day feeling groggy and uncooperative•
soooo where was I again? (You’ll note I lost a whole day here)
an attempt to try to get a decent night’s sleep I have recently tried a couple
of different meditation apps on my Kindle; the one I was using the most has
different sounds and music that you can program to lull you to sleep, or at
least fool you into thinking that you are sitting on a porch overlooking a
beach in a rainstorm (That one’s called Calm)• Then I decided to
try my 21-day free meditation program with Deepak and Oprah, because for some
reason I kept blowing it off during the day – and hey, you can learn the same
stuff subliminally as you can when you are awake! But Sunday night, or early
Monday morning, as the case was, I was getting ready to meditate when I noticed
this Sleep Learning app for weight loss - remember that 30 pounds I lost a
couple of years back? Well, lucky me, I found it again!! So I decided to try
it, and WOW! IT WORKED!!!
stayed awake for the entire program because it was new to me, and even after
the guy stopped talking, whenever the music would change tempo it would startle
me• But I did fall asleep, and
what amazed me was that I slept straight through without waking up once, woke
up an hour earlier than I normally would have, jumped out of bed and felt WONDERFUL! I felt well rested (I’m
surprised I even knew what THAT felt
like), energetic, didn’t have a desire to take a nap in the afternoon, and
actually got some things accomplished – like working on clearing out the studio
in preparation for ‘THE NEXT BIG THING’,
whatever that may be•
for me the most interesting thing about feeling so MARVELOUS was that it was MONDAY,
and Monday is usually the worst day of the week for me as far as feeling like a
human is concerned•
is my version of Saturday, the day after you have put in your time at whatever
salt mine you have chosen to make a career of, and you can lay around in your
underwear all day watching movies and eating junk food• Yes, I am fully aware that most gainfully
employed humans don’t spend all day Saturday in their underwear – productive ones
do laundry, clean the house, plan meals for the week, and go grocery shopping• And the ones who have small children don’t get
my version of Saturday until the kids are off at college• But, once again, I digress. Maybe it’s my age,
maybe it’s my metabolism, I don’t know, but whatever it is I generally feel
like CRAP on Monday and don’t
accomplish a darned thing• So for me to feel energetic and productive was
a really B I G deal• I wasn’t aware of any behavior modification that
could lead to weight loss other than I wasn’t hungry when I would normally be
hungry, and I didn’t have the urge to compulsively eat everything that wasn’t
bolted down while I was watching TV at night. And I fell asleep really early!
I guess my point would be that I SLEPT
– good!! Woke up REFRESHED –
wonderful!! Felt MARVELLOUS all day
long – terrific!!!!! Just like the guy in the subliminal weight loss meditation
program said I would• I
felt so damned FANTASTIC that I downloaded
the other three programs and I am rotating them on a nightly basis – so, we
will see if over the course of time I have:
- lost weight, or at least started dieting and exercising
- attracted all sorts of wonderful things into my life, like love, prosperity and a bright red Maserati
- become motivated and focused – aka git er done!
- and become productive and successful in the business that I am giving serious consideration to starting
time will tell……
Peace out – and PLEASE help me build my following - Like - Follow - Share
And here’s one more for the road…