Thursday, August 1, 2013


1 August 2013

1.      The ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses.
2.      The state of being or process of becoming aware of something in such a way.
realization - understanding - comprehension

Well I have been an eHarmony member for a little under two months now, and to say that I was disappointed with the results thus far would be an understatement. I don't know that I ever expected to find the love of my life with this, but I did expect to at least get some kind of reaction, maybe a date or two and some interesting blog content. But no, I got nothin’ – zip – zilch – niente - nada!! I quit counting how many matches they have sent me – six a day apparently, and out of all that, I have only had three people contact me. There was the guy down in The Keys; I ended up not responding to the last three questions because I just really wasn't interested. There was the 83 year old guy from Punta Gorda that wanted to bypass the procedure and go straight to email – once again I was not interested. I had one other guy from somewhere in the state of Florida that sent me the first five questions, him I actually found interesting and moderately attractive, so I answered the questions, but haven't heard anything back from him since. I sent the first five questions out to three guys and never even got a response.

I think the problem is probably a combination of esthetics and expectations. You see, what I am looking for is this:

But what I am getting is this:

Rather disappointing really – and with all due respect to Keith, he was never really all that good looking in the first place. But he IS married to a supermodel, which disproves the Beatles’ theory that “money can't buy me love”.

I don't know what aggravates me more, the fact that I ‘busted my hump’ (strange saying) losing 31 pounds and two pant sizes before signing up for a year? That I signed up for a YEAR!! And paid for it in advance!! Or the fact that out of close to THREE HUNDRED allegedly “perfect” matches, NOBODY is even viewing my profile!?! I guess I didn't realize that I was so hideous that no one would even want to read what I had to say. I guess that's what I get for posting a recent picture!

But that just brings us back to esthetics and expectations again doesn't it? What they are expecting to find is this:

But what they are seeing is this:

Well, the truth is we all get old, if we are lucky – and even the most beautiful supermodel of her time:

Ended up doing all of this:

And even with all that, she can still manage to have days when she looks like this! And she is nine years younger than me!

I'm not actually criticizing Janice – hell, if I had the money I would get my face done, buy some boobs, hire a personal trainer, and a dietitian, and then I am going to drastically lower the age limit on my eHarmony profile!!

Don't forget to feed the fish!!