So what have I been up to since my first blog? Well there was the Orlando trip to participate in “The Grandparents Tour 2011” of course. I had an absolute blast!! I got to meet Bella for the first time. I think she liked me. I can only say that I don’t know how her parents can stand being around all that cuteness all the time!! Not to mention that she is good natured and happy all the time. I only saw her cry once in the two days I was with her, plus a minor hissy fit when Di wanted to put her in the car seat at the end of the second day. Which was amazing because she was either in a stroller, car seat or high chair for the better part of two days & she is at the stage between crawling & walking where babies just want to move around and discover whatever they can.
How cute is she?!?
Monday was the Magic Kingdom - I had not been there since Savannah was 3, and she is now 17, and when we were there we spent all day in Fantasy Land and didn’t really explore anything else. This time around Fantasy Land was closed, so I got to see all the stuff I missed first time around. We went on the people mover and got an over view of the entire park, and Dan, Di and I went on a pretty tame, but fun, run away train roller coaster ride while Di’s Dad, Dale, watched Bella who was conveniently napping at the time. Bella magically fell asleep whenever Di & Dan wanted to go on a grown-up ride!!
Me, Dan, Di & Bella at the Magic Kingdom
The highlight of the day had to have been when we took Bella on the ‘It’s a Small World’ ride. She was fascinated with all the clockwork movement on the walls while we were waiting in the line, and then once we got on the boat & started moving along, she started dancing & singing along with the music. It was adorable!
Bella using Daddy's head as a drum - precious!
Di, Dan, Me & Bella in 'Hogs Mead'
The past couple of weeks have been unbelievably productive for me. I think I have finally come out of hibernation. It all started when I decided to go out for dinner at the little restaurant down the street & ran into a lady that I knew from my past association with the local Art Center. We got to talking and she led me to believe that there was a possibility that I could work there, which is something I have been trying to do for years, so I made an appointment to go in and talk to her about that. So, fast forward to my appointment which was at 10:30, I walked over there (it’s roughly five blocks) and we talked. Let me just say that you should never take anything too seriously that is told to you by someone who has had several glasses of wine at ‘happy hour’! It turned out that they aren’t actually hiring, and what she was referring to was a program designed to get ‘mature’ women back into the workforce. They did have a position opening up soon, but it would be more hours for less money. Seemed like a ‘no brainer’ to me, I’m trying to get out of the workforce, and working more hours gives me less time to make jewelry, which is how I would prefer to support myself. But, I did end up signing up to be a volunteer, and to sit in the gallery every Thursday this month. I also picked up a flier for some classes that they offer, and maybe between those two things I can get over this ‘Artist’s Block’ that I have had for the last 40 years. From there I decided to just walk home via 5th Ave and do some ‘window shopping’. That actually turned out to be a really good excursion, because I got to check out what other people are making and selling, nothing like what I’m doing right now, so that’s a really good thing.
When I got home I cleaned ‘house’, which involved tearing the whole place apart, moving half the furniture outside & mopping the floor in stages because it takes so long for it to dry. Then on Tuesday the productive streak continued with my actually working on my latest jewelry project, Wednesday I went to the library - and after that I lost track of which day I did what, but apart from all the cleaning, I did a whole bunch of ironing & just generally managed to stay busy and get out of the house everyday. Which is a sure sign that spring has sprung here in southwest Florida!
'Frog belly' coil necklace - work in progress
Right now I am sitting outside, enjoying a rare moment of internet service at home, watching lizards chase each other & a beautiful little yellow finch flitting around in the trees. I was going to go to the beach, but now I have changed my mind & I think I will work on the jewelry project and then head down to Starbucks to play my games.
Don't forget to feed the fish!!